

2020 Census

Posted on August 03, 2020 in: General News

Over the next 10 years, data from the 2020 Census will inform the distribution of hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funds each year that support education, health care, emergency services, housing and food assistance, and more. In August 2020, census workers will begin visiting households that have not responded to the census to help ensure that everyone is counted. We can minimize the need for census takers to follow up in person by responding to the census now—online, by phone, or by mail. The Census Bureau has made adjustments to its 2020 Census operations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can respond to the 2020 Census online or over the phone: in English (844-330-2020), Spanish (844-468-2020).

2020 Census is safe, secure, and confidential and responses cannot be used against people in any way. The Census Bureau can only use your answers to produce statistics. Everyone is kept anonymous. Make your voice heard. Respond now at or call 844-330-2020


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