

2021 Mass Intentions

Posted on August 27, 2020 in: General News

The 2021 Mass Intentions Calendar will open on Tuesday September 1st for intentions for January through December of the upcoming year (2021). Please contact the Parish Office to schedule an intention.

At this time, for your safety, we request you call the parish office for your requests.

You may request 1 Sunday or Saturday Mass and up to 2 Daily Masses. Additional requests can be made after January 1st.

Mass intentions are accepted for:

 (St. Lawrence) Monday, Tuesday at 7:00AM;

(St. Boniface) Wednesday, Friday at 8:00AM

(St. Boniface) Saturday at 4:00PM; Sunday 10:30AM

(St. Lawrence) Saturday 5:30PM; Sunday 8:00AM

ALL Masses $10.00

St. Boniface Sanctuary Candle $10.00

Mass cards are also available. Please notify the Parish Office at the time of request if one is desired.


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