

Added Sunday Mass

Posted on September 03, 2020 in: General News

Increasingly more people are returning to Mass at both parishes. It's wonderful to see parishioners who have been away for months. But as they arrive, we need to maintain healthy standards of distancing. 

To enhance our atmosphere, we will be adding a new TEMPORARY Mass, Sundays at 8am at St Boniface beginning on Sunday, September 13th (same Sunday we return to 10:30am). That will be simultaneous with the regular 8am Mass at St Lawrence. By introducing an additional Mass, this should relieve the stress on all Masses. However, because the priest cannot be at two places simultaneously, we are able to offer them only as long as Msgr. McGough is available and living in Williamsport. Therefore, this temporary fix, would last until the Thanksgiving period, when Msgr. leaves for the Sunshine State.  Certainly, this is not a solution to our troubles but it buys us time with a proactive approach. We are looking for volunteers to fill Eucharistic Ministers and Lector/Commentators for this mass.


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