

The St. Boniface Activities Association will be selling homemade soups by the quart during the months of November, December, January, and February.  Every month we will feature a different soup. These soups will be made by our wonderful chef, Steve Orso.  He has been making our carnival dinners, fish dinners etc. for the last couple years and always gets rave reviews. Soups will be available for pick up at the priest’s garage at St. Boniface or the St. Lawrence Parish Hall after all masses on the soup weekend. Our next soup weekend will be December 12th and 13th. Cost will be $8/qt. Orders may be placed by emailing, calling Deb at 570-220-2303 or filling out the order form below and placing it in the basket labeled soup orders in the rear of the church.  We ask that if possible, you pre-order your soup to guarantee that we will have what you want. We will have some available for purchase without pre-ordering. 

St. Boniface Activities Association Soup Sale

November’s Featured Soup is Ham & Bean

Cost:  $8/qt.

Name: _____________________________

Phone # ______________________

Number of Quarts Wanted:  ______________

**Please Choose where & when you will Pick Up: 

Pick Up December 12th and 13th after mass:

________St. Boniface Priest’s Garage     

________St. Lawrence Parish Hall

Please make checks Payable to St. Boniface Activities Association.



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