

All Souls Remembrances

Posted on November 09, 2020 in: General News

November 2 - To remember family and friends that have died we will had two Masses on Monday, November 2nd. The remembrance of All Souls Day commemorates the faithful departed and all our deceased from this past year, especially: Dean Palmer, Duane Pasco, Beverly Losch, George Geib, Martha Lundy, Robert Creveling, Jennie Samar, Beverly Spong, Kathryn Kitchen, Ernest Eakin, Rosemary Treese, Fae Randall, Dominck Mazzante, John Manzitti, Kathleen Rupert, Barbara Threehouse, William Regel, Max Gatsche, Sr., Mary Alice Caffrey, Patrick Berrigan, William Fish, Dennis Morrison, Mary Steinbacher, Mary Lou Engel, Larry Hartsock, Bernard Waldman, Barbara Chaya, Ruth Alberts, Thomas Steele, Nicoletta Stabley, Robert Perry, Rose Younes, Rodney “Radar” Maneval, Shirley Marshall, William Kiessling, Sr., Audrey Ulsamer, Louis Johnson, Norman Bailey, Anna Hecknauer, Clarence “Bud” Sykes, Ronald “Jerry” Kelch, Ralph Williams, Frances Maggs, Dennis “Dutch” Bogaczyk, Ellen Kennelly, Richard Callahan, Raymond Bodewes, Francis Healy, Charlotte Trayer, Joanne Engel.

“Eternal rest grant to them O Lord and Let perpetual light fall upon them.”


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