

At the beginning of a new year, it is natural to look towards the future. For the last several years, the Diocese of Scranton and its churches have been focused on the future with a pastoral planning initiative called the Vision 2030 Blueprint Process. Vision 2030 will help our diocese meet the many opportunities and challenges of the coming decade. The main goal of Vision 2030 is to create vibrant parishes rooted in the life of Jesus Christ.

An example of what Vision 2030 includes are possible areas for discussion and pastoral planning that may occur in parishes over the next decade. 

This weekend (Jan. 15 & 16) , we invite everyone to learn more about the current realities we face together, by picking up a copy of the Vision 2030 booklet that will be available in each church. This information is also available in the Catholic Light newspaper and on the Diocese of Scranton’ s website.

Because of our Baptism, each one of us has an important role to play in the Church. The participation of each one of us is critical to proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Please take some time to read through the Vision 2030 document and pray for this process as we work to keep our Church a strong and vibrant beacon of hope for all.


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