

Order/purchase your tickets for the St. Boniface Activity Association Ash Wednesday take out fish dinner to be held on March 2 from 5-6:30 p.m. Tickets will be on sale after Masses at both churches, with the ticket sale cut off on Sunday, February 27. If you will not be at Mass but would like tickets, please call Deb at 570-220-2303 or Lenny at 570-772-0722.  A limit of 425 dinner tickets will be available.

Cost: $11/adult & $6/child


  • Baked fish
  • Tony's macaroni & cheese
  • Green beans
  • Coleslaw
  • Roll
  • Dessert

Directions for pick up:

Please enter the alley (East 7th St.) off Penn Street. Turn right onto Franklin Street then take an immediate right into the church parking lot next to the school.  Your dinners will be brought to your car. Exit from the parking lot onto Washington Blvd.


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