

Make Prayer Simple

Posted on March 22, 2022 in: General News

A Helpful Prayerform from Sister Angelita Fenker (1930-2012) :

Use this prayerform 5-10 minutes daily. All you have to do is give Christ the time. He’ll do the rest! Your Lent will be graced.

1. Find a quiet place. 

2. Relax and close your eyes if possible. 

3. Take a few deep breaths. 

4. Ask Christ to touch the center of your being. 

5. Slowly repeat a word/phrase to help keep focused on Christ within you. 

6. To end your quiet time, speak a prayerform to Him from your heart and ask His blessing. 

Then, go forth with Him (and Mary) to share His radiant love in your world!



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