

Parish Commentary: June 26

Posted on June 26, 2022 in: General News

In reviewing parish records we have learned that approximately 33% of “registered” members of St. Boniface and 31% “registered” members of St. Lawrence have not made any contribution to the support of either parish within the last year (financial hardships excluded). Not only does this put additional burden on ACTIVE members of the parish, but we can only wonder where these folks have gone. However, almost every day we receive requests from people claiming to be parishioners asking to be sponsors for baptism or to be married or buried in our parishes. We are ready, willing, and able to provide reference and assistance for all those who are ACTIVE in our parishes. However, going to school at St. Boniface 40 years ago doesn’t count! Please give when you can either though online giving or in person. If you are not receiving envelopes and would like to, please call the parish office.


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