

Entries for 'Deacon Andrew'

From Deacon Andrew: June 30

Posted on June 30, 2024 in: General News

From Deacon Andrew: June 30
A few days ago I was talking to a friend about the many blessings and challenges within the vocation of adoption - how a couple or single person comes to the decision to adopt a child or children. He brought up a point which has been stirring in my mind. He said, a child from birth is loved by their natural parents because it’s the natural response of the heart. But, an adopted child is loved by their parent(s) because of a discerned and active choice to love. Well, I thought of this because the Collect for this Sunday’s Mass says: “O God, who through t...

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Deacon Andrew

From Deacon Andrew: June 9

Posted on June 13, 2024 in: General News

From Deacon Andrew: June 9
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Honestly, this is a tough question for me to answer. I thought about it and really couldn’t come up with three words. So, I asked the 4th-grade students at St. John Neumann Regional Academy to help me out. These are three of the words that they came up with: funny, kind, and hardworking. What is your favorite movie? One of my favorite movies is the 1986 film The Mission, starring Robert De Niro and Jeremey Irons. This film follows the missionary endeavors of 18th-century Jesuits who try to save their mission to t...

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Deacon Andrew

Deacon's Message: May 26

Posted on May 28, 2024 in: General News

Deacon's Message: May 26
My favorite food? That’s a tough question to answer! I love almost any type of food whether it is steak or bologna. Although not very luxurious, my go to favorite meal is a hoagie (i.e. a “sub” as some call it). In my opinion, nothing beats a hoagie from the Red Rock Corner Store on Route 118 which is close to my hometown. You’ll usually see me there for lunch on my day off. My favorite hobby? Again, another hard question to answer. I enjoy spending a lot of time in the outdoors during my spare time. I’m usually hiking, fishing, skiin...

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Deacon Andrew
A Message from Andrew: May 19
Who is/are your favorite saint(s)? I have always found the early European missionary saints to be an inspiring witness to our Christian faith. Such saints as Augustine of Canterbury who evangelized England, Columba who preached in Scotland, and Boniface who brought the faith to Germany. However, St. Patrick has always been my favorite due to his self-sacrificial love for the people of Ireland. It was Patrick who went back to the very nation that enslaved him to preach Christ’s message of love and peace. Each time I feel some hesitation to minister to a certain area...

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Deacon Andrew


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