

Entries for January 2024

Purse Bingo February 3

Posted on January 29, 2024 in: General News

Purse Bingo February 3
We will be hosting our annual purse bingo on Saturday, February 3, in the St. Boniface gym. Tickets are $25 for 20 regular games of bingo. There will also be a chance auction, specials, a mystery prize, and food available to purchase. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Early bird special starts at 12:30 p.m. To reserve tickets, please call Deb at 570-220-2303 or Lorrie at 570-433-4464.

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Pastor's Corner: January 28

Posted on January 29, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: January 28
Time to recycle! We’ve become used to recycling all sorts of things. Kitchen scraps that go to the compost. Plastics and papers in their bins. Visits to the recycling sites. And now it’s time to recycle last year’s palm branches. Yes, those palm branches that we put behind crucifixes or holy pictures. They’re destined, in the Church’s imagination, to become this year’s ashes for the beginning of Lent. Look for the baskets in the narthexes of our churches. Bring in those branches from last year. (And if you discover you have branches fr...

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Baptism Ministry

Posted on January 28, 2024 in: Ministries

Baptism Ministry
We are ready to kick off our baptism ministry and are looking for couples or individuals with baptized children who would be willing to share their experience of raising children in the Catholic faith. This would mean keeping in touch with the parents of our newly baptized a few times a year and acting as mentors to encourage, answer questions, and invite them to church celebrations and events. Attend a short training to get you started. The time you devote to this ministry works according to your schedule. Please prayerfully consider learning more about this exciting oppor...

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Bring Back Your Palms!

Posted on January 25, 2024 in: General News

Bring Back Your Palms!
Bring back your old palms! We will be using the old palms to make ashes for distribution on Ash Wednesday. We will be collecting the palms through Sunday, February 11. Palm collection baskets can be found in the gathering space of both churches.

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Tax Contribution Statements Available
If you would like a printed copy of your 2023 contributions for tax purposes, please contact the parish office.

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Pastor's Corner: January 21

Posted on January 21, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: January 21
The Winter Doldrums. I remember hearing those words in school. Their original meaning had to do with ships and oceans. The doldrums were a time when summer and fall storms had passed. Waters were still. Nothing much happened. A good time for seafaring folk. But, when I heard the doldrums talked about in school it referred to us. Students in the long month of January. January, after the exciting holidays had passed. January, too soon to look for signs of spring. January, with its dark and cold days and nights. Teachers claimed that we all slowed down a bit in January. ...

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Upcoming PREP Events

Posted on January 16, 2024 in: Religious Education

Upcoming PREP Events
The First Reconciliation Celebration and Lunch will be on Saturday, January 20, from 10 a.m. until noon at St. Lawrence Church.  The next Student Mass will be held on Sunday, January 21 at 10:30 am. at St. Boniface Church. This PREP Mass will include students from grades 3 & 7.  Check the weekly bulletin for these and other upcoming PREP event dates and details.

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Pastor's Corner: January 14

Posted on January 15, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: January 14
There’s an old tradition that on Epiphany, as Christmas ends, we chant a proclamation of the year’s feasts and fasts—the dates for Ash Wednesday, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. My hunch last weekend was that, given the impending snowstorm, the last thing any of us needed was anything to make Mass last longer! But, it’s worth mentioning that this year Easter will be early! And Ash Wednesday is only about a month away—February 14, to be precise. Not too early to be thinking about Lent—the places in our lives where we need to grow, the sa...

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St. Lawrence Pancake Breakfast

Posted on January 11, 2024 in: General News

St. Lawrence Pancake Breakfast
The St. Lawrence Parish Pancake & Sausage Breakfast will be held on Sunday, January 28 from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the St. Lawrence Church Hall. Enjoy delicious pancakes, sausage, eggs, scrapple, applesauce, tasty treats, coffee, and orange juice. Rummage sale items will be available during breakfast. Tickets are $10 for adults and free for kids under 12. Buy tickets ahead of time or at the door. Contact Judy 570-323-6202 or Pat 570-323-6422.

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Pancake, Breakfast
300 Club Tickets Available
Get your 300 club tickets while numbers are still available! Look for ticket sales in the rear of St. Boniface church after Masses. The first drawing will be held on February 11 and winners will be drawn for five weeks. The cost of a ticket is $10. If you can’t make it to church but would like a ticket (or two), please call Deb at 670-220-2303.

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Andrew's Message: January 7

Posted on January 07, 2024 in: General News

Andrew's Message: January 7
Throughout the Advent Season, many of our parishioners joined me for a three-part series on Isaiah the Prophet. Many of them might remember my emphasis on the historical outline of Israel’s history. One of the major events in the latter part of the Book of Isaiah was the Babylonian Captivity (597 to 538 BCE) where the people of Israel were exiled into the foreign land of Babylon. Our first reading (Isaiah 60:1-6) was written in the time when the people of Israel were able to return to their homeland after this horrible period of exile. Isaiah’s message to those ...

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Pastor's Corner: January 7

Posted on January 07, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: January 7
We all know that the secular world makes a jumble of seasons. Memorial Day arrives and we complain it’s not warm enough to be summer. (Because summer’s still about 3 weeks away!) Radios blare songs about snow as Halloween ends (when we don’t want snow!) and drop them every December 26 (when it might be cold outside!). And, of course, stores have already loaded up on Valentine’s Day merchandise. Let’s not forget, at least for one more day, that it’s still Christmas. Today, the Lord’s Epiphany isn’t a faint echo of something ...

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Adult Faith Formation at St. Lawrence Parish Hall
JANUARY 2024 - EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL SERIES Join us as Father McCreary digs deeper into the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist as revealed in the Scriptures and as celebrated in the Early Church. Wednesdays @ 2:00 & 7:00 PM @ St Lawrence Hall Jan 10-- Loaves and Fishes -Reflections on John 6 Jan 17-- Take, Bless, Break and Give -A deeper look at the Last Supper words Jan 24-- Hearts on Fire -What the Easter road to Emmaus tells us about Mass Jan 31-- The Next Generation - What did the Church after the New Testament have to say about Eucharist? &n...

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Purse Bingo

Posted on January 02, 2024 in: General News

Purse Bingo
We will be hosting our annual purse bingo on Saturday, February 3. Tickets are $25 for 20 regular games of bingo. There will also be a chance auction, specials, a mystery prize, and food available to purchase. If you would like to donate to the purse bingo, provide a chance auction item, or reserve tickets, please call Deb at 570-220-2303 or Lorrie at 570-433-4464.

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Family Promise Meals Needed

Posted on January 01, 2024 in: Social Concerns

Family Promise Meals Needed
Our parishes will be hosting Family Promise families the week of January 14–20 and are asked to provide nutritious meals. If you can provide a meal during this week, please contact parishioner Pam Fink at 570-916-0883. Thank you for your consideration.

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Family Promise


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