

Entries for October 2023

Pastor's Corner: October 29

Posted on October 29, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: October 29
Scary and fun. Journeys into darkness and light. This world and the next. The living and the dead. It’s all part of the three days that bring us from October into November: Halloween, All Saints and All Souls. Let’s not forget to pray these mysterious (in the best, the most sacred, sense of the word) days. We all know how to do Halloween. But, remember what lies behind the costumes, the tricks, and the treats. We’re delving into the dark side so that we can journey to the brilliance of the next day—All Saints. All Saints Day we celebrate and ask the ...

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A Message from Andrew: October 29

Posted on October 29, 2023 in: General News

A Message from Andrew: October 29
Believe it or not, in high school I was part of the Chess Club. At first, I wouldn’t be caught dead in such a club, but I joined because a friend challenged me and said that I could never beat him in a game of chess. The competitive and rebellious part of me came out in full force, and I quickly became a fan of entrapping my opponents in the game. I would start by making a few irresponsible moves, allow my opponent to think they were in control, then unleash my hidden plan and win the game. However, once in a while, this strategy would tragically fail when a smarter o...

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Feast of All Souls

Posted on October 28, 2023 in: General News

Feast of All Souls
This year we will celebrate the Feast of All Souls with a special mass at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 2. The music for the mass will be Fauré's celebrated Requiem with the St. Boniface Choir, and members of the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra taking part, over 50 musicians in all. At that Mass, we will remember those parishioners who died over the last year. If you would like to add a name to those being remembered, please contact the parish office.

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2024 St. Lawrence Rummage Sale
We are collecting items now for our sale next summer! Toys, clothing, housewares, craft supplies, small furniture, holiday decorations, and more.  If you have questions, contact Janey/Mike 570-927-2932, Kelly 570-980-4494, or Mary 570-279-2519. All proceeds from this event will benefit Saint Lawrence Parish family activities, maintenance & general funds. The rummage sale will held in June 2024.

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Day of Prayer for Peace

Posted on October 25, 2023 in: General News

Day of Prayer for Peace
Bishop Bambera is encouraging all of the faithful on Friday, October 27, to hear and observe the call of Pope Francis for a Day of Fasting, Penance and Prayer for Peace, especially for Israel and Palestine. Parishioners in the Diocese are especially encouraged to join in person, or via the televised and livestream Daily Mass celebration from the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton on Friday at 12:10 p.m.  Learn more

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Pastor's Corner: October 22

Posted on October 23, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: October 22
Last week I gave you a glimpse of a couple of upcoming events. One of them—the one happening this week— may require a little more explanation. I’m talking about the 40 Hours Devotion. Some of you have asked: Just what is this? Why are we doing this now? First, 40 Hours Devotion consists of a few days (usually three—the “40 hours” more or less corresponds to the time Christ’s body was in the tomb) of Eucharistic Adoration. After morning Mass the host is placed in the monstrance. People are encouraged to visit the church for quiet pra...

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St. Lawrence Hall Available for Rent
Have an upcoming baby/bridal shower, birthday party? Make the St. Lawrence Church Hall your event venue! The hall can hold up to 100 people and has a full kitchen that can be used for warming food. Contact the parish office for more details 570-326-1544.

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World Mission Sunday: October 22

Posted on October 17, 2023 in: General News

World Mission Sunday: October 22
On World Mission Sunday (October 22, 2023), we join our Holy Father in supporting his missions. As we pray and respond here at home, we share in those celebrations taking place in every parish and school throughout the world. Together, through our prayers and financial support, we bring the Lord’s mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions. In a world where so much divides us, World Mission Sunday rejoices in our unity as missionaries through our Baptism, as it offers each one of us an opportunity to support the life-giv...

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Pastor's Corner: October 15

Posted on October 17, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: October 15
“Something old, something new…” So began the old adage about what a bride should have on her person on her wedding day. As a Church we’re looking at some new and old things these coming weeks. First, a reminder that today at St. Boniface we begin a new approach to how we come to the altar for communion. Let’s be patient with each other. Try to remember which way we’re supposed to go. Remember why we opted for this change: to offer a more reverent way for all of us to receive the Lord’s Body and Blood. Secondly, the Williamspo...

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A Message from Andrew: October 15

Posted on October 16, 2023 in: General News

A Message from Andrew: October 15
The fall season always seems to be a busy and frustrating time of the year. Our relaxing summer has come to an end, days grow shorter and colder, schools are back in session, fall sports are well underway, and Notre Dame has already lost twice this season. Despite the beauty of autumn in central Pennsylvania, some of us would rather go back to the summer months, jump forward to Christmas, or wish for a better football season. We all can feel busy and possibly a little frustrated in one way or another. However, this isn’t unlike the parable that we hear in this Sund...

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Diocesan Annual Appeal

Posted on October 13, 2023 in: General News

Diocesan Annual Appeal
The Diocesan Annual Appeal is the primary fundraising effort in support of the vital work of the Diocese to serve all those who come to us for help. Each year, thousands of donors generously give to the Appeal so that we may provide significant assistance through the Diocesan ministries of Catholic Social Services and Parish Social Justice Grants, Seminarian Education and Care of Retired and Ill Clergy, Catholic Education in Schools and Parishes, Parish Life and Religious Formation and Catholic Media. Consider making your gift today!

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Annual Appeal
40 Hours Devotion and Volunteer Need
As we continue to celebrate a Eucharistic Revival in both our parishes, we continue to offer opportunities for our parishioners to deepen their encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist. Many may remember the traditional Eucharistic celebration of 40 Hours. This celebration spans three days and consists of the Celebration of the Eucharist, Adoration, and Benediction. The Williamsport Deanery will celebrate this tradition as part of the National Eucharistic Revival on October 24, 25, & 26. October 24: St. Joseph the Worker October 25: Our Lady of Lourdes October 26: St....

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Pastor's Corner: October 8

Posted on October 09, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: October 8
When the American Bishops invited us to a Eucharistic Revival, they wanted us to experience more than words or ideas. Yes, we can talk about the right theology. We can remember what our second-grade catechists told us about bread that becomes Body, and wine that changes into Blood. They wanted us to reflect on how we pray this mystery, and how we celebrate our Eucharist. Next weekend we’ll start to see some changes— largely at St. Boniface Masses—in the way we come to communion. You’ll see a map for those changes in this week's bulletin.  We...

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2024 Mass Intentions

Posted on October 09, 2023 in: General News

2024 Mass Intentions
The calendar for Mass intentions at St. Boniface & St. Lawrence is now open for January through December of the upcoming year. Please contact the parish office to schedule an intention. The office is open 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except Holy Days and holidays. Intentions may be requested by a single sponsor for one Sunday or one Saturday Mass and up to two daily Masses. One request per person can also be made for St. Boniface sanctuary candle intentions. The candle will burn in memory of your loved one for one week. Additional requests can be m...

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A Message from Andrew: October 8

Posted on October 09, 2023 in: General News

A Message from Andrew: October 8
My family and I would often say that the Bloomsburg Fair “is better than Christmas.” I suspect that many of us have experienced or at least heard of the Bloomsburg fair in some way. At one of my favorite apple dumpling stands the employees wore shirts that said, “Have you had your apple today?” Since then, I have been on a slight apple-binge. I credit my recent daily apple eating because I saw a shirt that reminded me to do so. We are constantly being given simple and unexpected messages that remind us to do something positive – simple or profo...

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Handmade Baptism Needlework Gifts Needed
This year, we will be starting an outreach program to the parents of our newly baptized children. We will be creating gift baskets for each family with books for parents and children, along with additional resources from our parish. We are looking for parishioners who knit or crochet and would consider making a baby blanket or a child-safe stuffed animal to complete the baskets with a personal and caring touch. A beautiful ministry that you can do at home and know that your creation has touched the lives of our young families. Please contact Karen Balestino at 570-419-...

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Why Feed the Hungry?

Posted on October 05, 2023 in: Social Concerns

Why Feed the Hungry?
When you are hungry but there isn’t food on the shelves or in the refrigerator and money needs to go to rent, heat, and electricity, what do you do? We offer a way to help families through this with our food collection boxes at St. Boniface and St. Lawrence. When we work together, we can help Sojourner Truth provide daily lunches and Salvation Army Food Pantry provide food for their more than 160 families. It takes all of us to make this happen. Please be part of this ministry by donating unexpired food into the collection boxes or helping deliver food to the min...

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Pastor's Corner: October 1

Posted on October 01, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: October 1
Today, Respect Life Sunday reminds us each year of our deeply held Catholic belief that all life, from conception until natural death, matters. This year the Bishop’s Conference has chosen to focus on St. Joseph as “the protector of life.” I was particularly moved by a series of images on their website, pictures of Joseph as one who protects life. First, Joseph dreams about Mary’s unexpected and complicated pregnancy. Next, Joseph knocks on doors in Bethlehem looking for somewhere to stay. Then, Joseph with Mary and her newborn Son. Finally, Jos...

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Sisters of Christian Charity 175 Year Celebration
The Sisters of Christian Charity, founded by Pauline von Mallinckrodt, in Paderborn, Germany, celebrate their 175th Anniversary as a Congregation this fall. This year also marks the 150th Anniversary of the sisters arriving at St. Nicholas Parish Wilkes-Barre on October 15, 1873. Soon after their arrival, Father Nagle asked other German Pastors if they wanted Sisters to teach in their parish school. The response was a whole-hearted yes, which allowed the congregation to grow quickly in the United States. The Sisters arrived in Williamsport in 1874 and over the years ha...

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