

Entries for June 2024

From Deacon Andrew: June 30

Posted on June 30, 2024 in: General News

From Deacon Andrew: June 30
A few days ago I was talking to a friend about the many blessings and challenges within the vocation of adoption - how a couple or single person comes to the decision to adopt a child or children. He brought up a point which has been stirring in my mind. He said, a child from birth is loved by their natural parents because it’s the natural response of the heart. But, an adopted child is loved by their parent(s) because of a discerned and active choice to love. Well, I thought of this because the Collect for this Sunday’s Mass says: “O God, who through t...

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Deacon Andrew

Pastor's Corner: June 30

Posted on June 30, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 30
When Resurrection Parish was building a new church a few years ago, my mind kept returning to a verse from the Psalms: “If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the builders labor.” What a healthy reminder that we’re to be about God’s work! If it’s God’s work, why don’t we actually give it over to God? Sure, we had to dream and plan, engage with architects and builders, face unexpected twists in the process. But, at every turn prayer made it better. We’re not being asked here at St. Ann's, St. Lawrence and St. B...

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We Need Your Handy Skills!

Posted on June 28, 2024 in: General News

We Need Your Handy Skills!
Do you have experience in plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, and/or buildings and grounds maintenance? We are looking for experienced individuals with these and other skills to volunteer for our newly established Buildings & Grounds Committee. This would be on an as-need basis whenever projects come up for our church, rectory or school. If interested or have questions, please email or call Scott Lorson (570) 279-0471 or Karen Kirk-Newman (570) 337-7580.

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Take Me Out to the Ballpark

Posted on June 28, 2024 in: General News

Take Me Out to the Ballpark
Join us for ALL FAITHS NIGHT on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at Journey Bank Historic Bowman Field Ballpark with the Williamsport Crosscutters vs. Frederick at 4:05 p.m. $10 per person special ticket offer includes: Game ticket and $5 food/beverage voucher. You must contact the parish office at 570-326-1544 or email by July 16 for more information and to sign up! We need at least 20 from our parish to participate. 

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Vacation Bible School Thank You!
Thank you to the many volunteers and students from St. Joseph the Worker, St. Ann, St. Boniface and St. Lawrence parishes who made this year's Vacation Bible School a success!  Check out the pictures from this week

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Vacation Bible School
Welcome to Our New Finance Secretary
We're excited to introduce Mary Jo Raniero as our new finance secretary. Mary Jo brings 15 years of experience from her ongoing role at St. Ann's parish. She'll split her time between both parishes. Welcome Mary Jo!

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Pastor's Corner: June 23

Posted on June 23, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 23
Take a look at this picture: a brightly colored bouquet in the middle of the rectory’s kitchen table. It’s literally a spiritual bouquet, a collection of prayers and charitable works offered on my behalf. A gift from our PREP students and catechists to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests (observed on the feast of the Sacred Heart, this year June 7). Each blossom contributes to an assortment of prayers—Hail Marys and Our Fathers, rosaries and daily prayers, works of justice, and charity. As I approach my ordination anniver...

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Final Pierogi Making Night

Posted on June 21, 2024 in: General News

Final Pierogi Making Night
A heartfelt thanks to all who lent their skilled hands on June 10, helping craft pierogies for the upcoming carnival. Together, we powered through the rolling and pinching, wrapping up by 7 p.m. But the pierogi fun isn't over yet! Mark your calendars for June 24 at 6 p.m., when we'll gather once more in the St. Boniface School gym for another evening of dough-rolling merriment. Bring your rolling pin and join the festivities - lots of laughter, camaraderie, and delightful moments await. No prior pierogi experience is needed!

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Find a Church on Vacation

Posted on June 17, 2024 in: General News

Find a Church on Vacation
Traveling on vacation? Easily find nearby Mass times at or Technology keeps the faithful connected to their obligations at home or on the road!

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Pastor's Corner: June 16

Posted on June 17, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 16
Finally, the last two questions! What type of music do you like to listen to? I can answer that by naming the Sirius stations in my car. Classical, Broadway, Jazz—in that order. I sometimes dabble in popular music—a little Billy Joel, some ABBA, some R&B. Almost never Country. What attracted you to the priesthood? I can answer in one word: Jesus. As a Catholic, I find his life and message compelling. I wanted to be part of his mission—into whatever vocation that would lead me. In last weekend’s homily, I talked about how as Church we need t...

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From Deacon Andrew: June 9

Posted on June 13, 2024 in: General News

From Deacon Andrew: June 9
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Honestly, this is a tough question for me to answer. I thought about it and really couldn’t come up with three words. So, I asked the 4th-grade students at St. John Neumann Regional Academy to help me out. These are three of the words that they came up with: funny, kind, and hardworking. What is your favorite movie? One of my favorite movies is the 1986 film The Mission, starring Robert De Niro and Jeremey Irons. This film follows the missionary endeavors of 18th-century Jesuits who try to save their mission to t...

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Deacon Andrew
Letter from Bishop Bambera on Vision 2030
An important message from Bishop Bambera was shared at all Masses this weekend regarding upcoming changes for our parish and local Catholic community. As we move forward, we look forward to deepening our collaborative efforts with Saint Ann Parish. Together, we will more intentionally further the mission of Christ and His Church. Please take a few moments to read the letter from Bishop Bambera to the parishioners of St. Boniface, St. Lawrence, and St. Ann's on the next steps of Vision 2030.

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Pastor's Corner: June 9

Posted on June 10, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 9
Here’s the question I’ve been avoiding: What three words would you use to describe yourself? It’s too much like an awkward icebreaker at a meeting. Or a really annoying drinking game at a party. But, here we go: Introverted (which you must have noticed, but remember that introversion—just like its opposite—can be an asset). Creative (the part of me that values things like music and art, architecture and gardens, poetry and story-telling). Faithful (think of Dorothy Day’s description of faith as “a need to worship, to adore"). ...

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St. Lawrence Rummage Sale

Posted on June 07, 2024 in: General News

St. Lawrence Rummage Sale
Don't miss the sale on Thursday, June 13, Friday, June 14, and Saturday, June 15! We have something for everyone! Hot and cold drinks, baked goods, hot dogs, BBQ, sausage sandwiches, mac & cheese & more! Loads of sale items!  All proceeds from this event benefit St. Lawrence Parish Family Activities, Maintenance, and General Funds 

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Father's Day Donations and Cards
Please use Father's Day Envelopes provided in your church giving envelopes for a special gift for living & deceased fathers. Include your donation in an envelope and return it to the parish anytime before Father's Day using the collection boxes. You can also donate online securely at Father's Day envelopes will be placed on the altar for the Father's Day Masses. In addition, there are cards on the tables in the back of the churches that you can give to the living fathers in your live...

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Congratulations to Ricci Sampsell
Congratulations to our Financial Secretary Ricci Sampsell on her new position with Penn State University. Ricci started her job with us in January 2018 and has done incredible work for the parishes. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, Ricci. Our prayers are with you as you move forward to your new endeavor!

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Pastor's Corner: June 2

Posted on June 02, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 2
What is your favorite sport or sports team? Not sure I have a favorite sport—and definitely not a favorite sports team. Let me explain. I can have a lot of enthusiasm about going to a game, pretty much any game. I enjoy the atmosphere—the crisp fall weather at a football game, the National Anthem at a baseball game, the prayer before a Catholic school basketball game. I’m not a huge fan of being entertained at a sports event. I don’t need the mascot in a golf cart or a fake sumo wrestling match—get on with the game. I’ll cheer for pret...

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