

Entries for May 2024

Deacon's Message: May 26

Posted on May 28, 2024 in: General News

Deacon's Message: May 26
My favorite food? That’s a tough question to answer! I love almost any type of food whether it is steak or bologna. Although not very luxurious, my go to favorite meal is a hoagie (i.e. a “sub” as some call it). In my opinion, nothing beats a hoagie from the Red Rock Corner Store on Route 118 which is close to my hometown. You’ll usually see me there for lunch on my day off. My favorite hobby? Again, another hard question to answer. I enjoy spending a lot of time in the outdoors during my spare time. I’m usually hiking, fishing, skiin...

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Deacon Andrew
Corpus Christi Mass, Procession & Evening Prayer
Join us for a Mass, procession, and evening prayer on Sunday, June 2. Holy Mass will begin at 4 p.m. at St. Joseph the Worker, with a procession after the service to St. Boniface (Walnut Street to 3rd Street to Franklin Street ~1.5 miles). There will be an evening prayer and benediction at St. Boniface at 6 p.m.  Note that the procession will be canceled for rain, but the Mass and evening prayer schedule will remain the same. 

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Vacation Bible School (VBS) Donations Needed
 It’s time again for summer VBS, sponsored by St Boniface/St Lawrence, St. Ann, and St. Joseph the Worker. To make VBS affordable for families, we charge a fee that covers only a small portion of the cost of this program. The parishes are responsible for the remaining costs. So, we are asking parishioners to help us by donating some of the items we need to offset those costs. In the back of each church is a poster with items and monetary requests. If you can support VBS, please take the name of the item/ dollar amount you wish to donate from the poster. Items ...

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Vacation Bible School
A Message from Andrew: May 19
Who is/are your favorite saint(s)? I have always found the early European missionary saints to be an inspiring witness to our Christian faith. Such saints as Augustine of Canterbury who evangelized England, Columba who preached in Scotland, and Boniface who brought the faith to Germany. However, St. Patrick has always been my favorite due to his self-sacrificial love for the people of Ireland. It was Patrick who went back to the very nation that enslaved him to preach Christ’s message of love and peace. Each time I feel some hesitation to minister to a certain area...

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Deacon Andrew
Invitation to the Memorial of Saint Boniface Mass
We invite you to join us in commemorating the life and martyrdom of Saint Boniface, the iconic Bishop, and Martyr, on the eve of his feast day for a Mass on Tuesday, June 4th, at 5:30 p.m. (Vigil). All are most welcome to attend this special celebration and honor the memory of this great saint who played a pivotal role in the spread of Christianity in Germanic parts of Europe. As Saint Boniface himself stated, "The Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on...

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Pastor's Corner: May 19

Posted on May 19, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: May 19
Here’s a question I appreciate because it allows/encourages more than one answer: Who is/are your favorite saint(s)? How can I skip mentioning the Mother of God? How could anyone say “Oh, I like loads of saints, but Mary not so much.”? I’m putting Mary in my answer but in a particular way. I’ve always been drawn to Our Lady of Lourdes. I read—and reread-- The Song of Bernadette growing up. I’m fascinated by the way that image of Mary in the grotto with the peasant girl St Bernadette pops everywhere (except, oddly in our rectory, ...

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First Holy Communion Pictures
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who received their First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 5 at St. Boniface! Please take a look at the official photographs on our site. We hope this special day will remain a cherished memory for you and your families. View First Communion Photos

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Pastor's Corner: May 12

Posted on May 13, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: May 12
Let’s take two questions that kind of feed into the notion of being prepared for ministry. First, in which church ministries were you involved? Frankly, hardly any. I started as lector when Sister of Mercy Colman Krise (may she rest in peace) boldly asked me, starting off with the words “I have come in the name of the Lord.” It’s hard to say no to nuns. For several years I served on the St .Boniface Parish Council. Believe me, I haven’t missed the irony that I’m often sitting in the same room talking about the same things as I did 40 y...

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Honoring Mary During May

Posted on May 13, 2024 in: General News

Honoring Mary During May
Have you ever considered creating a special indoor May Altar or an outdoor grotto to honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our Heavenly Mother? May is a wonderful time to start this beloved Catholic tradition. All you need is a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary to get started. Adorn it with artificial or fresh-cut flowers, and gather with your family to pray the Hail Mary, spending a few moments asking Mary's help in trusting our lives to God the way she did. For more inspiring ideas to honor the Blessed Mother during May, visit

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Andrew's Corner: May 12

Posted on May 12, 2024 in: General News

Andrew's Corner: May 12
In which church ministries were you involved? I believe that part of the reason I find myself in formation for the priesthood is because of the ministries I was involved in throughout my childhood. Three particular ministries stand out. First, being an altar server taught me about the important role that various priests had played in my parish. It inspired me to see how different priests brought different gifts and talents into the liturgy and in the community. Second, being in the youth choir taught me how to work together in a group and listen to one another. Third, being...

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Check Out What's New for Parents and Children
Mother's Corner: In April, we opened up rooms in each church for parents with babies. These rooms can be used for nursing or soothing infants during Mass time. There is a chair and nursing pillow available. We encourage our mothers to use these designated areas. In St. Lawrence, mothers can use the sacristy/confessional area in the rear of the church. In St. Boniface, the confessional closest to the tabernacle will be available. Both areas are marked. For diaper-changing needs, please continue to use the restrooms in the churches that are equipped with changing ...

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Pastor's Corner: May 5

Posted on May 05, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: May 5
Here are two of the 20 questions that are so connected, they really have to be answered together: How many siblings do you have? What is your birth order in the family? That could be a complicated question in a larger family than mine. But, it’s just me and my brother Paul. Let’s do the number part first. He’s three years younger than me, although four years behind me in school (as a small child he started to talk later than normal, so my parents opted to keep him home for an additional year). Oddly, that meant that we were pretty much never in the s...

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New Parish Pastoral Council Members
Please welcome our four new parish pastoral council members: Tom Engel (first term), Ron Ferguson (first term), Brenda Larson (first term), and Stephanie Radulski (second term). Representing our faith communities in an advisory role to Father McCreary, these parishioners will each serve a 3-year term beginning in June. With four vacancies and four individuals accepting nominations this year, an election will not be necessary. You can learn more about each of these individuals online.

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Parishioners Accept Angel Tree Award
Parishioners Sue Lingg and Dianne Fisher were honored to be invited to the Salvation Army Volunteer Luncheon on May 1st. The event was well-attended, and the lunch was delicious! The Churches of Saint Boniface and Saint Lawrence were recognized for their participation in the Christmas Giving Tree program, and Sue and Diane received a special Angel Tree Award for their efforts. It was truly rewarding for them to be acknowledged for their contributions alongside so many other dedicated volunteers in our community. Congratulations!

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